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  1. R

    Rutorrent crashes when Disk Quota is implemented (Only for particular user)

    Quote After removing the quota, and rebooting the server, rutorrent works once again. This is a not *ruTorrent* problem really. *rTorrent* crashes, not ruTorrent. Quote How do i solve this? Implementing disk quota is really important for my setup. You may ask Wonslung about 'quotaspace'...
  2. R

    Rtorrent auto delete data when done uploading

    FYI, that's a planned feature for rtcontrol, because I need that too.
  3. R

    Torrent list not yet available, connection to rTorrent not established

    You're getting a 403 error so likely permission on the folder. Check your webserver error.log
  4. R

    How to change a rutorrent users password

    How do I go about changing a rutorrent users password on a lighttpd server when I've used Brocks automated setup tool? I know where the .passwd file is but don't know how to make the change, can anyone help
  5. R

    [SOLVED] [history plugin by Novik65 bug]

    Quote: 1) Fixed. 2) Please, use project's page for error's reporting. Hey Novik65, First off please accept my apologizes for not posting the bug in the project's page. Also thank you very much for fixing the bug so quickly. I am truly surprised. I think this project has gained a new level of...
  6. R

    [SOLVED] [history plugin by Novik65 bug]

    Quote : Did you install ruTorrent from SVN or tarball? Hey, I used the autodl-irssi script for ruTorrent install. It seems that the script used svn but uses tarballs as backup (line #5109 and #4947) I have the rutorrent version 3.4 and if tarballs are selected, it...
  7. R

    [SOLVED] [history plugin by Novik65 bug]

    Quote : Did you clear cache? I just cleared my cache and restarted firefox browser but it looks like the problem still exists. I still get same error, but it looks like the "error number" has changed: Code: [05/07/2012 05:33:51] JS error: [https://[hidden-ip-address]/rutorrent/js/jquery.js...
  8. R

    updating rutorrent

    You'll need to get in touch with the owner (3r1c) and see if he will upgrade it.
  9. R

    [SOLVED] [history plugin by Novik65 bug]

    Hi, I am using firefox 12 (with ubuntu, so no desktop notifications enabled). I am also using the latest commit from with following: Code: svn co When I enable the history...
  10. R

    Can't install rutorrent

    Quote : check your apache logs Could you be a bit more specific?
  11. R

    Impossible to edit the options

    Indeed, this error might be caused by the fileupload plugin since i tested it. Check out the plugin thread on how to fix this.
  12. R

    Can't install rutorrent

    I tried building rutorrent and rtorrent on my own on debian. But when I did the command "apache2ctl configtest", I received an error saying Document Root (/var/rutorrent/) does not exist. Rutorrent is located in var/www so when I moved the rutorrent folder to /var directory, I got no error but...
  13. R

    Schedule/Completion functions stop working with ruTorrent

    simply remove the scgi stuff from your webserver and install httprpc in the rutorrent plugins directory. It should "just work"
  14. R

    new install: bad link to rtorrent. Check if it is really running

    Login to your manager (managerv5) and click Reinstall and pick an OS. Can't really get much more simple.
  15. R

    new install: bad link to rtorrent. Check if it is really running

    Quote : Follow this guide and if you don't need multi user just ignore this part. There you have a step by step guide. You can not fall at this. ============== Esa guia es un paso a paso, si solo tienes un usuario con ignorar la parte...
  16. R

    new install: bad link to rtorrent. Check if it is really running

    Quote And? Are you understand english? more or less, my native language is Spanish, and like I said before I am newbie on Linux, and I dont know how to proceed... so please help me, or give a link/webpage where I can find an update tutorial or guide how to clean (I guess because I think a...
  17. R

    new install: bad link to rtorrent. Check if it is really running

    Code: root@vks15539:~# cd /var/www/ root@vks15539:/var/www# svn co svn: Failed to add directory 'rutorrent/plugins': an unversioned directory of the same name already exists root@vks15539:/var/www# cd rutorrent/...
  18. R

    new install: bad link to rtorrent. Check if it is really running

    Quote First of all, try to use normal ruTorrent version (3.4 or svn) instead ancient. could you please elaborate? I newbie on Linux, should be proceed like this: Code: sudo apt-get –purge remove ruTorrent and then this: ? thanks
  19. R

    new install: bad link to rtorrent. Check if it is really running

    hello, I have the same "problem" : I follow this guide: my OS is Debian 6.0 (Squeeze) - 64 bits (English) here is my /var/www/rutorrent/conf/config.php Code: <?php // configuration parameters...
  20. R

    new install: bad link to rtorrent. Check if it is really running

    Quote : still getting the same error message. I can click the plugins tab on the rutorrent ui, it show two plugins (diskspace and rss). I did install all of the plugins from the tutorial though, is it normal that only two show in the ui? These two plugins doesn't require rtorrent for its works...