Thank for this great HowTo. Really ... thank.
Here are some suggestions to add to this guide
- Install vnstat + vnstat PHP. (Traffic statistic)
- Install munin. (server statistic)
- Install fail2ban to monitor sshd and pure-ftpd. (Security)
- Force HTTPS for all web services. (Security)
- Use Linux quota on /home. (HowTo)
Torrent just go in pause mode when quota is reaches.
- Assign one IP by services on your box. Server, ftpd and p2p. (Admin mind =
For p2p, see "ip=" and "bind=" variables in .rtorrent.rc.
- Run ruTorrent plugins when rTorrent start (HowTo)
I search a way to limit / control upload bandwidth in p2p mode only.
This should be done in multi-user environment, for all.
I find tc command, tcss and tcng ...