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  1. R

    High CPU Usage

    It happen even while downloading. For example, this morning I had two torrents running : one download at about 6mo/s and an upload at about 3mo/s...CPU 100% :/
  2. R

    High CPU Usage

    Hi, And thanks for your answers, @Egghead0 : Damn, I will try to get more information on this point, @Rascali : I must have a buggy configuration :/ @Wonslung : Yes I am sure :/ my server become incredibly laggy, like two minutes or more to log in ssh or display a simple web page. I have...
  3. R

    High CPU Usage

    there is no way it should be at 100% cpu....are you sure that it's REALLY at 100% and if so are you sure it's rtorrent? i'd double check some may be set up wrong.
  4. R

    add a new user does not work $scgi_port and $scgi_host?

    Quote 2. edit /home/<second_username>/.rtorrent.rc and change port_range and scgi_port. and replace username - is a login of your rtorrent user. This account must exist in your sustem, it has home directory etc. second_username - is a login of your *web-server* user. It's hasn't relation to...
  5. R

    High CPU Usage

    Hello everyone, And thanks for the great work you have been doing on rutorrent. Here is my issue : I am trying to run ruTorrent on a dedicated server with an Intel Celeron 1,20ghz an 1GB RAM running ubuntu serveur 10.04. Everything is working well except its use an large amount of CPU, often...
  6. R

    ruTorrent saving files as root user

    you need to make sure rtorrent runs under the user you want. How are you making rtorrent start? via cron or via a boot script? If you used a boot script did you make sure to specify the user correctly? If you are unsure, show us the script
  7. R

    "Bad link to rtorrent...."

    maybe post your scgi config from /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (inbetween code tags)
  8. R

    "Bad link to rtorrent...."

    First of all: next time please use code tags. not sure if it's needed but probably better to set your scgi_port in rtorrent to as well: Code: scgi_port = And this doesn't look right to me: Quote $XMLRPCMountPoint = "/var/www/lighttpd/rutorrent/RPC2"; // DO NOT...
  9. R

    Bad response from server: (0 [error,list])

    yes you should also install _getdir actually, what *I* do is this: I install the svn version with all plugins, then i disable the ones i do not plan to use. In this way, it's...
  10. R

    Bad response from server: (0 [error,list])

    yah change your $XMLRPCMountPoint it's wrong. it should be somehting like: Code: $XMLRPCMountPoint = "/RPC2";
  11. R

    RuTorrent 3.2 Multi-User problem (Lighttpd)

    Hello All Well To Begin with my problem is .. the both rutorrent users are getting into the same WebUI and torrents of Usr1 and Usr2 one's are not working Basically both users are using Usr1's rtorrent if i close rtorrent in User1 the webui won't work i have changed all ports RPC as following...
  12. R

    Qnap TS-239 Pro II and RTorrent++ (RSS Problem)

    a couple things to check: first of all, make sure the rutorrent/share directory is owned by the webuser. (user running your webserver) and in .rtorrent.rc make sure the execute line is correct. Here is mine: Code: execute = {sh,-c,/opt/webstack/bin/php /opt/webstack/http/php/initplugins.php...
  13. R

    The immortal .json

    OK, thanks, I understand now. The newly-created one is OK at the moment: perhaps opening simultaneous connections in FFox and IE (from the same location/same PC) causes the corruption. Or the recent need for a "hard" server reboot has created a glitch somewhere. Cheers Guy
  14. R

    network error in every connection

    Looks like this is an network / rtorrent problem .. nothing to do with rutorrent
  15. R

    The immortal .json

    Hiya Wonslung Do you recall the "delete uisettings.json from rtorrent/share/settings" ploy? It was a fix for frequent "Bad response from server" error messages. I used it with success some time ago, but recently the error messages have started again. Lo and behold, the uisetting.json file had...
  16. R

    Bad link to rTorrent

    you should only need the LAP part of LAMP (or even FAP or SAP, lol) 95% of the time that error is due to: 1) missing or incorrect scgi setting in .rtorrent.rc 2) missing or incorrect setting in the rutorrent config (associated with scgi) 3) rtorrent and rutorrent configured correctly but...
  17. R

    Bad link to rTorrent

    That error tells you pretty much exactly what the problem is, and what to check.
  18. R

    Bad response from server: (0 [error,list])

    it's under settings, just click the gear and look for "update gui every" and "request timeout"
  19. R

    Bad response from server: (0 [error,list])

    First things first, did you restart rtorrent after upgrading? Second thing, did you check the webserver error log?